Welcome to The Rai d’O
Local ales and authentic Thai food in an historic Salisbury pub dating from 1292.

This is the web site for the well known pub & restaurant, The Rai d’Or in Brown Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, voted Salisbury & South Wilts CAMRA Pub of the Year 2008. and in the Good Beer Guide every year since soon after we arrived here in 2002. Inside you will find some of the finest Thai Cuisine available, as well as our selection of great real ales and wines

Our usual opening hours are Tuesday – Saturday, evenings only, from 5 pm. Food is served 5.30 – 9pm (early week) but later on weekends or on very busy evenings.
Last orders on Thursday – Saturday will be 10 p.m. unless as we said it is still busy or you have pre-booked. It is always advisable to call ahead for a table but particularly if you want to eat late.

Fine Wines
Wine prices are largely based on a cash margin rather than a multiple of the purchase price. We believe this is fairer to the customer.

The Rai d’Or, next to Brown Street car park in Salisbury, has a colourful history spanning over 700 years.also historically when it was a house of ill-repute in the Middle Ages

The bar was re-roofed sometime after its rebuilding so that the 2 houses could be given a single roofline facing Brown St.